Monday, March 28, 2016

Planting Tobbaco

The tobacco barn and several (56?!) tobacco plants were completed in January, 2015.  Since then, no grandchild has shown interest in completing the tobacco farm, until today.  The granddaughters succumbed to a request to plant some tobacco.

We started by each granddaughter sketching her suggestion for filling the bottom right corner of the layout, then we combined the two ideas on one of the sketches as the final design:

Then we used Lou Sassi's recipe for ground goop that we had used before:  one cup each of earth-tone paint, celluclay, and vermiculite along with 1/2 cup of white glue.  The girls spread this over the corner:

Then they added some grey-brown dirt picked up from the yard for the "main" road plus a little tan gravel for the path to the tobacco barn.  The path needs a little work since the gravel was a bit coarse!

We finished up with a couple of trees (the hardwood tree was too heavy to stand in the ground goop unless it was dry), some fine and coarse ground foam from Woodland Scenics, a hedgerow behind the barn leading to the farmhouse off the bottom of the layout, and a few bunches of broom straw -- all attached with white glue or Scenic Cement.

Oh, and, yes, we did install the tobacco plants -- while the ground goop was still damp -- in rows about 4-5' apart, and the plants maybe 4' apart.

Another nice job by the girls.  Maybe not my exact plans, but certainly fills the bill.

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