Thursday, February 25, 2016

Cotton Broker Office

I suppose every small town cotton operation needs a cotton broker.  There's a small building near what appears to have been a cotton warehouse adjacent to what the City is now calling "Textile Corridor".  They have plans to develop the area into businesses, offices, restaurants, housing, etc.  They might even plan to tear this building down; maybe not:

The office was used by a Cotton Broker.  Last Broker was a member of the Moore family.  So, in honor of EL Moore, who had supplied the Cotton Gin drawings I used, this will be Mr. Moore's office.  While Mr. Moore buys and sells the cotton, Mr. EC Hanson heads up the cotton classing activities for the USDA.  They have separate offices in the small, brick building.

As for other buildings on the Blacktop Crossing layout, I chose to construct a representation as opposed to exact copy of the office.  Paul has helped with other "custom" cardstock, and did so with this one.  He warned that I may have to fuss with the roof a bit; and I did.

Construction started out fine:
Note the tar roof in the foreground.  Just couldn't get the up/down  inside/out folds to give the look I wanted.  No problem.  I had absent-mindedly printed out a second (actually, it was a first, since it was before Paul had fine-tuned the "kit") copy, so I had plenty of tar and brick to work with.  Decided to use some balsa wood I had on hand to give thickness to the brick walls around the top of the roof.  That worked out fine:

Previously, I had noted that the rear door had an air conditioner on it.  That would have been "uptown" in 1956, so I tried to replace it with a window fan above the door.  That worked out OK and probably is more prototypical for that day and age.  And the roof is on.

Best location so far on the layout is near the Cotton Gin just at the Blacktop Crossing.  I guess this would be headed into town. . . .

I tried to give a little 3D look to the front door, window/door fan, and window sills.  That helps the look of the building.  At some point it looks like I will need to add the utility junction boxes -- I've seen some in the Clever Bros models that I might be able to use.  But, then do you need to add phone and electrical power wires?!?!  And, by the way, the windows, doors, textures, roof tar, etc., all came from Clever Bros as well through copy and paste efforts.


  1. I think your structure looks great. From what I can see of the layout I'd like to see lots more

  2. Great! Check E-mail -- easier than Blog comments.
