Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Little Hedging

As recommended by the granddaughters, I "planted" a hedge around the middle mill house where the older couple live.  They have time to work in the yard, so their home looks a bit better than the neighbors'.  The girls also suggested a gate through the hedge to the family with young children.  I was coming back from a volleyball game in Charleston so I stopped by their favorite model train shop, Brookland, in West Columbia/Cayce.  They had plenty of white picket fence with gates.  So, a hole was left in the hedge to install the gate:

Lots of picket fence was left, so the front yard got the fence, too.  Probably need to put up those window boxes next. . . .

If you're at a model train shop, you can't just get one thing!  So, the Doctors' Office got a two-tone blue 1955 Ford.  Nothing fancy, just an ole Ford. . ..

Friday, October 7, 2016

Hurricane Matthew Provides Unexpected Dividends

To escape the potential hazards of Hurricane Matthew in Charleston, the granddaughters came to the upstate to visit family -- stopped by for lunch and some entertainment at the train layout.  We didn't have much time but we were able to get the yard in for the family on Mill Hill with a number of youngsters as well as the Greasers, I mean MILLners, on the far side.

We started by painting the yard with Woodlands Scenic glue then used a combination of green and "burnt" grass to show that in September the family with kids have a nice, but not manicured lawn.  A second "commercial" tree was used for the tire swing and installed just inside the yard.
The MILLners needed a few tufts of grass and maybe a little sand around the yard.  The sand grains are a little large, so some more work is needed there.

The girls also suggested a hedge around the older couple's house in the middle with a gate near the back.  So, now we need to find a gate!  Maybe a window box for the house?  Of course, the clothes line needs to be replaced for the younger couple at the far side of this last photo.

 And we'll put some woodland debris under the trees and some grown up weeds between the gravel drive and the blacktop road.  Always plenty to do on the layout.  I wonder how long the grands will need to stay away from Charleston?!