Saturday, November 21, 2020

Let's Join Knowledge Park

 Seems this blog has been hijacked by the Knowledge Park project!  Oh well, railroads is railroads.

With the desire from the "owner" to combine the original 1953 era downtown Rock Hill (Phase I) with the extension down White Street (Phase II), a little adjustments needed to be made.  First, I and II were bolted together with the two tracks along what is now Village Way lined up pretty closely:

White Street (not shown) will need to be adjusted about 1/4 inch or so.

The trestle at the joint needs to be covered/converted to an extension of the bank for the higher track and the two Chatham Avenues need to be somehow combined:

Maybe a little more work needs to done with, say, sidewalk and grass/weeds.

A display case will surround the layout so the wiring for Phase II and III needs to go BEHIND the control box, like this:

And the light switches need to be placed under the layout:

Oops, photo of completed relocation is missing!

Need to get moving since Phase III is making progress: