Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Not Exactly Blacktop Crossing

Historic Rock Hill has "fallen into" an N scale model of the city in 1953 -- July 17th or maybe it was July 24.  In any case, it was a Wednesday afternoon.  The modeler didn't want a lot of people on the streets to model.  For those too young to know, in 1953 banks and most businesses closed on Wednesday afternoon.  The banks, supposedly to balance the books midweek; but most bankers seemed to like to play golf Wednesday afternoon. . . .

Anyway, the model if a fairly accurate representation of downtown Rock Hill, much more so than Blacktop Crossing.  It's a layout that's about 5 feet by 13 feet.  I helped move it from the former owner and modeler to Historic Rock Hill's White Home for display beginning in November.

We installed a polycarbonate protective screen around the front of the layout.

Took it off of the tables and constructed gusseted supports so the wiring underneath was accessible.

And added a skirt to cover the supports.

Currently working on cleaning the tracks and loco wheels, finding out which switch works which turnout, and determining the wiring for the three DC transformers.

Great layout!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Crossing Tower

Started fabrication of a crossing tower while visiting SIL in Lakeland, FL:

Was not pleased with the look of the "white side" of the stairway/deck support pieces so used Word to rotate the image and printed on copy paper to avoid thickness. That helped.  And allowed the crossing tower to be finished.  Then decided that cardstock supports were too flimsy.  Cut plastic "6X6" to fit and added a little color.

That seemed to help the situation.

Granddaughter had helped with 6X6's and chose placement on layout.  Not permanent at this time since the section needs more scenicking:

Confirmed that Rock Hill had crossing tower -- Sanborn Insurance maps and picture document "Watchman Ho" on White and Black Streets but have only found photo for Main Street!