Tuesday, April 12, 2016

"Vintage" Tank Car

So, this Staley tank car has been in my "collection" since the late 1950's.  Nice car, but with a hook and loop sort of coupler.  So, it wasn't used then and it hasn't been used lately.  Why not swap out the hook and loop for a Kadee coupler?

First problem, the coupler is attached to the trucks and the local hobby shop doesn't carry a direct replacement.  OK, let's just work with it and come up with a solution.  Looks like a little grinding on the coupler "box" would allow the Kadee box to be glued with coupler inside.  Pulled out the Dremel tool and played like a dentist for a few minutes, and the Kadee box would almost fit.  Some CA glue and the box, coupler, and then trucks were on the car.  Not too sure about the structural strength of this set-up, but it connected easily and had no problems being pulled by the box car with the "manual locomotive."

While the layout doesn't really need too many more cars, the era of this tank car (says 1928 on the side!) and it's unique type made it a good candidate.  Besides, there's the nostalgia factor, right?

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