Wednesday, August 22, 2018

More Ground Goop

Without the participation from a couple of granddaughters -- and the request from the "other" family to let a granddaughter visit for a couple of days -- took the opportunity to offer Ground Goop mixing to my 6-year-old granddaughter.  Knowing that her older cousins had done the same was probably enough to raise sufficient interest.

So, with the usual recipe of vermiculite, celluclay, paint, and white glue, we started mixing up a batch.

Spent a few minutes taping the track near the site of ground goop addition, but couldn't take the time to photograph.  Had hoped to cover the area right at the  "front" side of the layout, around the station, and between the outer and inner loops from the middle of the layout around the station corner.

Had some concern that the station on the layout might have been too extravagant for Rock Hill, SC, but turns out the actual station was pretty significant:

So, decided to leave the extended platform.  Marked off the location of the station and platform so we wouldn't cover with ground goop.

Now everything was ready.  Got a good start before granddaughter lost interest -- covered everything we had taped off!

After granddaughter lost interest, finished around the station end and added some ground goop between the inner and outer loop all the way around the other end.

The color is a bit dark, but will be covered with ground cover, field grass, flocking, etc. Pretty good progress for a 6-year-old.
Replaced the station and platform before the goop dried completely.  No problem.
Well, actually, there were several spots on the floor and side of layout that received some brown paint.  Sooner or later maybe we'll paint the sides. . . .

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