Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Relaxing Lumberjack

As a student (a few years back) of NC State's Pulp and Paper Department that was in the Forest Resources College, I saw a logo that I really liked:  a lumberjack relaxing under a tall pine tree, a double bit ax leaning against the tree where one chip had been removed, smelling a flower.  Well, even Woodland Scenics didn't have that figure, so I figured I'd improvise.  I did find a guy relaxing at a Backyard Barbecue that came close.  Only, he had on shorts, loafers, and a T-shirt.  So what, just a little repaint and he could be wearing boots, jeans, and a buffalo plaid shirt, aka:
Buffalo Plaid

Barbecue -- Before
Lumberjack -- After
OK, so the plaid is a "bit" big and he looks more like a jockey than a lumberjack, but just wait until he's leaning against the tree.  From 20 feet or so, it will almost be obvious.  I'll also have the double bit ax. . . .  Notice that he now has a yellow "Cat Hat" as in Caterpillar Tractors -- you can almost read the C A T!  And to heck with the flower.

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