Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Working on Branch Line Scenicking

Well, dang!  There's about 1 1/2' of track yet to ballast, right in front of the passenger station.  Let's get that taken care of between more scenicking for the branch line:

In real time, this last ballasting with the medium size gray ballast was after working on two section of the branch line.  Some of the little used siding for the branch line has been displayed.  Here is a group of pretty scrawny trees to add "interest":
Oh, and as mentioned before, some coal has spilled out at the conveyor over time:
Tried static grass again between mainline and branch line, but still not very satisfied.  Started with 50/50 white glue:
After working in that area, moved to the Quonset Hut/Armory location with some more 50/50 glue.  Then a little medium foam, somewhat lightly spread.

Some of the static grass can be seen in this photo, above, as well at the photo of the last bit of ballasting by the passenger station.  It's OK (the static grass), but doesn't stand up quite like it should.

And here is Quonset Hut/Armory a bit out of focus.  This looks OK to me when in focus!

Might just finish up the area between branch and main line with some "talus" along the way like this photo from a Virginian layout.  The rock was a gift from The Wife.  Gotta use a little more than I have already. . . .

Then it's the crossing tower and Doctors' office, and that should just about do it.  A little finish work along the blacktop across from the Cotton Factory, also.

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