Saturday, April 7, 2018

Current Keeper for Southern F3A

Seems the Southern F3A locomotive just cannot handle a dirty track while the little SW1 switcher does OK -- with its capacitor.  So, how to install a Soundtraxx Current Keeper?  Here's a shot at it [Note:  4/10/18 update, speaker works, Current Keeper not so much; E-mail into Soundtraxx support]:

First, the larger speaker in the F3 needs to be removed to make room for the rather bulky capacitors.
With another "Sugar Cube" speaker in my spare parts, that would seem to help the situation.  First must glue the speaker to the "sound box" with CA glue.  Supplier video recommended using double stick tape to hold the box in place as the speaker was attached.  No double stick tape, but some Scotch mounting tape was handy.  Seemed to work OK.  This speaker might be the 8X12 mm size; same as in SW1 switcher, so this could help to give comparable volume from both locos.
Had to check online for attaching the Current Keeper to a Soundtraxx Tsunami GN-1000 decoder.  The instructions that were included with the Current Keeper did not include this decoder.  Ain't the Internet wonderful?!
To keep doing this sort of work, a more "precision" soldering iron will be needed.  But, I gunked up the small speaker and the Current Keeper.

Plenty of room for Current Keeper and small speaker with larger speaker removed.  Used more Scotch mounting tape for the Current Keeper.
No way to test at this time as we're out of town visiting relatives, but fingers are crossed.
Next job to complete installation is to find the front coupler and box -- who knows where that might be?

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