Saturday, January 27, 2018

Testing Static Grass Applicator

Finally pulled out a couple of AA batteries to "charge" the static applicator and decided on a test area on the layout.  There's a bit of a knoll on the far side of the layout that could use a little scenicking.  Until now, I wasn't sure what to do with it.  This is the spot, between the edge of layout and tracks; this is looking from the rear of the layout, tobacco farm on the right in this view.

To the left (from the front) is the tobacco farm and to the right is the blacktop highway itself and part of town.  So, here's the plan:

  • Start off near the tobacco farm with a hint of a pasture that will be seen in the backdrop, mostly.  
  • The pasture, of course, needs some static grass, but also probably a fence.
  • Just past the pasture and fence line, moving toward town, will be a wooded area.
  • And then some of the knoll will be left for maybe an elevated city building of some sort.
Started with a bunch of material for the grassy part of the knoll:  green ground foam, earth foam mixture, 0.5 mm static grass, flower patches, 50% water/white glue, full strength white glue.

Painted some diluted white glue on part of the knoll and sprinkled a bit of green ground foam, followed by earth foam mixture.

Added diluted glue to cover the pasture area and then tried out the static grass applicator.  Frankly, I was very satisfied.

Used a few sprigs of orange and red flowers to add some variety.

Next was to try for the small patch of woods.  Materials included:  dediduous trees from two different packages, blended turf, some bushes, some lichen and florist "weeds", more diluted glue and white glue, DIY forest floor leaves and debris, and some heavy duty hair spray.

Again, brushed on some diluted glue and sprinkled a small amount of blended turf to start the forest floor.  Added DIY forest floor leaves and debris plus a few pieces of florist "weeds" with full strength white glue.  Used a scratch awl to poke holes for the trees.  But the trees right "out of the box" looked a bit too green, so spritzed the trees with the hair spray and sprinkled blended turf on them.  That gave a bit more of an early fall look.  Placed the trees in position by gluing with white glue in each hole.  A couple of small bushes didn't seem to bring the woods up to snuff, so a couple of lichen clumps were glued on with white glue.  The woods are beginning to look OK!  This shot is from the front and the woods are in the rear.  The tree to the far left of the clump looks like it's separated; that's because there's a gully between it and the next tree.  We'll put some epoxy water on it with a little puddle at track level when we pour the farmpond.

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