Saturday, April 4, 2015

H&R Trains, Again

Well, a week with The Wife and her kinfolks in Lakeland, FL, has to mean a trip to H&R Trains outside of Tampa.  I even talked The Wife into joining me; the only bribe was lunch at the Columbia Restaurant in Ybor.  Of course, I didn't mind that at all -- great Cuban food and elaborate Cuban decor!

My list for H&R included Bullfrog mechanical switch, 1950's era automobile(s), a crane to load and unload pulpwood, and a cyclone/centrifugal separator to put on the Cotton Factory for added detail.  We pretty much struck out except for the car -- got Woodlands Scenics' Billy Brown's Coupe (1951 Chevy).

I've also been looking for a pulpwooder/lumberjack in a restful or reclining position.  Found a guy leaning back watching a dog-washing scene.  Maybe I can paint his legs faded denim blue and his shoes brogan brown.  Not much I can do about his T-shirt -- would have rather long sleeves, but the layout tends to be more summertime than winter, so maybe that will be OK.  The finished scene will include a double bit axe leaning against the same tree and the tree will have one chip cut out of it.  If I had found the right guy, he'd be smelling a flower; guess I'll keep on looking.
Oh, in the photo the guy has on the yellow T-shirt!

Have since ordered a couple of Bullfrog switches, found the centrifuge online, and E-mailed an organization that has made Bucyrus-Erie cranes of about the right period.  Would prefer to look at these items first-hand, but . . . .

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