A purchase at H&R Trains in Tampa, FL, over Thanksgiving was an MRC DCC system. It was supposed to be simple and "intuitive" to connect. The only problem was I needed to have easy access to the DC wiring to run Thomas for the newest granddaughter! So, I hoped to install a switch to disconnect the DC system and then connect the DCC system. That seemed simple enough until I stopped by Radio Shack to find the appropriate switch. I finally picked up a blade-type switch; if nothing else, I could see what should have been happening. I left all of the red (-) wires connected and inserted the switch into the black (+) side like this:
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Before |
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After |
Then I went to work on the locomotives. The Southern F3 A/B set had come with decoders that I had removed and replaced with shunts for DC operation. I replaced one in the F3 A unit and put one in the SCL loco The Wife gave me as a gift.
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SCL Shunt Disconnected |
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Decoder Ready to Connect |
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Job Completed |
I connected the DCC system under the control panel to the switch (black, +) and to the gang bus (red -).
When I plugged it in, I got an "ovrld" signal; I assumed that was "overload". I disconnected the DC red (-) wire from the gang bus and got rid of the overload. But the locos wouldn't run! I got out the ole multimeter and started testing from the power supply through the switch to the Atlas controllers. No current downstream of the controllers!?! On a whim, I moved the top Atlas direction switch. Lo and behold, it worked. Now, should I figure out why or just don't mess with success?
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