Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Minor Additions

While the design, construction (by a builder, not me), and moving into a new house have usurped much of my discretionary time, I did take an opportunity to bid for some minor additions via ebay!  I suppose the barrels, bags, crates, and pallets will add to the company store atmosphere, I'm not real sure where to put the horse.  The dog plus house and cats on a fence will certainly end up somewhere in the mill village. . . .

Monday, August 19, 2013

Distracted but not Forgotten

Much of my attention recently has been directed toward selling one house, moving, and building another house.  But, the Blacktop Crossing railroad has not been totally forgotten.  A Southern RW locomotive was ordered about a year ago through Walthers as a pre-release purchase.  The delivery date kept being put off until it finally arrived this month.  The switcher should find good use moving cars from textile mill, cotton gin, Armory, pulpwood yard, etc., before being ready for the "mainline"!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Here's my excuse for what might be called dereliction of duty to the Blacktop Crossing:

Much time has been spent on watching construction of new workshop.  While the primary purpose of the new garage will be working on "classic cars", there's room for model railroading, as well.  The layout was just moved over to the garage today.  Accessories will follow soon and maybe there will be a better place to work than the upstairs "closet" in the house!
In addition, the grandsons need to visit for a long enough spell to get some work done.  Christmas visit was way too short and too much else going on.  Previous visit did get some windows made for textile factory, but there are 40-50 yet to go.  Not a job that young guys get real excited about. . . .