Sunday, March 27, 2022

Cola Train Show

Took a couple of buddies with me to the Train Show in Columbia, SC -- nothing big or fancy although we were all surprised at the amount of Lionel equipment there.

My goal was to look for pulpwood racks.  After a couple of hours, nothing had shown up, but I did purchase a couple of pre-1956 cars -- Rocket Oldsmobile and "flamed" 49 Merc.  Figured the cotton broker might have an Olds but the greaser would probably be more likely to have the Mercury, unless maybe it's just somebody visiting.


Took a couple of packages to the car from one of the guys and upon reentering, found an L&N rack at the table just inside the door and a partly constructed Southern rack kit a couple of tables down!

Already had one L&N so will have to do some renumbering when time allows.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Cotton Broker's Office Change of Face

On February 25, 2016, a posting suggested replicating a Cotton Broker's office on the Black Top Crossing layout. . . which was done.  At the time, the future of the actual building in downtown Rock Hill was unknown; might even be torn down.  Well, no such thing:

Exterior hasn't changed much.

Opening January 28, 2022, the Cotton Broker's office will be selling Rum distilled onsite!!